Art=Music=Art 2023/2024

March 2024

From October 2023 until March 2024 I worked on a very special music project: Art=Music=Art. Four unique solo concerts with a focus on improvisation amidst the art of a museum hall. This concert series took place at Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar, a very special and inspirational setting. The concerts were followed by a shared meal where artists and audience could connect. 

Performing musicians: Tom Herbert (London, double bass), Alex Koo (Brussels, piano), Reinier Baas (Amsterdam, guitar), and Marc Mommaas (New York, saxophone).

These impressive live shows were well-received by both audiences and critics. A great success, leaving everyone involved wanting more.

Alex Koo


For the ongoing Art=Music=Art series I photographed pianist Alex Koo at Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar.

I really enjoyed his impressive soundcheck that allowed me to take photographs and take in his Bach warming-up. It was very interesting hearing and seeing Alex explore this piano he only just met and to see him getting to know the instrument and the room it was set up in, the way his sound resonated, the piano’s quirks. 

I noticed how he intuitively yet meticulously worked to find the right way of playing, in this unique situation, in order to create the most wonderful experience for the audience during the live set that was about to begin.

Live review by Edwin Hofman:

Next up: Reinier Baas (January) and Marc Mommaas (February). 



For years, I have enjoyed capturing live musicians in action. As a reviewer, I have the luxury of listening to and reviewing the latest records. For Written in Music.

And now a new photographic project. Special! A collaboration between the Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar and Written in Music: Art=Music=Art. 

Four unique solo concerts in which improvisation plays the leading role, with the art in the museum hall as inspiration. During the concert, the musician plays at the centre of the exhibition space, among the art works, surrounded by the audience. An intimate setting.

These inspirational live shows are followed by a shared meal where musicians and listeners can chat and connect. The first concert is on Saturday and sold out already. Tickets are still available for the concerts that follow.

Kunstparade Heiloo juni 2023

Vandaag, morgen en overmorgen is het tijd voor Kunstparade Heiloo. Samen met vele andere kunstenaars exposeer ik dit weekend mijn werk. Nieuwsgierig? Kom even een kijkje nemen!

De Kunstparade is verspreid over meerdere locaties in Heiloo. Er is een veelzijdigheid aan werken te bewonderen, van schilderkunst en keramiek tot fotografie. Je kunt mij vinden in de Cultuurkoepel in Heiloo.


In december 2022 ben ik afgestudeerd aan de Fotoacademie in Amsterdam. De waardevolle lessen en coaching hebben me veel gebracht, een goede spiegel voorgehouden, vragen opgeroepen en beantwoord. Ik wist het eigenlijk al, maar durfde het niet altijd hardop te zeggen… Ik ben fotograaf, beeldmaker.

Expositie BLIK in Loods6 in december was een belangrijk moment voor mij. Bedankt iedereen die aanwezig was en mij heeft gesteund op zijn of haar manier.

En wat tof dat mijn werk en dat van een aantal medestudenten is gepubliceerd in Pf Fotografie Magazine!

Ik wens iedereen een creatief en gedurfd 2023 toe.

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